Saigon Stories – Without Beer

James is an excellent guide, a chatterbox with excellent English, perky and enthusiastic, he was born in 1990, so must be 29 years old. James keeps his iPhone 11 in his hand and keeps us in hand too, all of us, taking great care as we dodge with him across the busy streets or jump … Read more

Sober in Hanoi

So much to see and do and so much to engage the senses. It’s chilly here in the mornings and evenings and then sunny and warmish by day. Not researching a city and it’s real history very much means that it strikes me all the harder, heard first time. Did I really not know that … Read more

Alcohol-Free Flight: The First

Well, that was a new experience. A long time flying devotee, airports and airplanes have always been places where I enjoyed a drink. Or two… or more. We arrive at the airport early, two teenage travellers and their 50-something parents. Fumble and fuss, fuss and fumble until we are all sorted out and can take … Read more

The wicked wine witch – and how to avoid her!

Lots of the quit lit I have read, and also many people on Facebook groups, mention ‘The Wine Witch.’ She’s that little voice in your head that suggests things like: She’s the voice of your addiction, of course. That voice is not you… mindfulness is SO helpful with that voice. Becoming the observer and not … Read more

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