
Alcohol + Australia/Invasion Day

Just to get the politics out of the way, I am a firm believer in marking 26th January, the day that the First Fleet arrived and started blowing up 40,000 years of indigenous culture. There is a lot to mark, and many sadnesses, and I feel the day should be noted in its entirety and all its complexity.

  • the beginning of the genocide of the original Australians
  • the start of the environmental degradation of this magnificent land
  • the tragedy of the convict era, the utter madness of it, and the cruelty
  • the beginning of a multicultural society which has much racism still but also great tolerance in most people (we hope and pray).
  • the start of a country which has given peace and freedom to so many immigrants (including me)

I guess it is true that if the British had not colonised Australia then some other European country would have swooped in. A different day would be marked, but the overall trajectory might have been very similar.

Oh dear, I am a very recent invader of this land myself, first arrived aged 23s in October 1987, and immediately fell in love with this country. It is all very confronting… what has happened to this beautiful country and its people in just 232 is overwhelming.

BUT ANYWAY… Australia/Invasion Day has been one of those public holiday times which gave me a great excuse to have a few vinos, whatever day of the week it was. And often at home, so I could drink even more, no driving necessary.

And this long weekend marked the end of the Christmas and New Year season and the summer school holidays when I would often drink daily for seven – eight weeks, ending up feeling terribly depressed and a few kilos heavier.

Great relief that this year is different and that there are some simple AF drinks in the fridge along with sausages and veggie sausages and the cutlets from some poor little lamb. The boys will BBQ later on and make salads, I’m roasting veggies, and Ms13 will roast spuds. Ice cream to follow and we are all good. And we are grateful to be here.

Keep it simple. We were going to go to the Great Australian Country Town Pool this arvo, free entry for all, but a thunderstorm has come over. Hooray for some rain; a very Australian wish.

I wish I had bought some Sobah beer! Sobah beer is brewed by an indigenous family on the Gold Coast, how great is that? I have tried the IPA Pepperberry. Check out the Sobah Beverages website to learn all about it.

Buy Going Under

In Australia: Going Under is available in bookshops and online stores in Australia and on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Going-Under-memoir-secrets-addiction/dp/0645497231/

In the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Going-Under-memoir-secrets-addiction/dp/0645497231/

In the UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Going-Under-memoir-secrets-addiction/dp/0645497231/

Going Under Audiobook: Going Under on Audible, narrated by Seana Smith, click here.

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