Swim It All Away

Up at the crack of 05.30am by chance and thank God for a cool start. Worked like a wee Trojan to get six months biz expenses into Xero and then came a jolly little text.

We are going to pool, who wants to come?

So J and I were there by 10.30am and had wee natters and then wee swims, just a cheeky km. J beat me by two lengths over two laps which is a bit horrifying, frankly. Swimming is so soothing, that water wrapping me up and the sounds of the bubbles and the splashes. It has become such a place of mental relaxation, I am not pushing myself hard, except for a couple of fast laps out of the 20. Love doing breaststroke slowly, love the cool green and blue colour at the pool, love how not-busy it is.

I have been filling the fridge with all sorts of drinks that look like alcohol but are not, and will take a bottle of fizzy over to D’s later on. I’ve always really not liked AF wine, too bland, no bite… but must persist. Is it sad to need a treat daily and to be mimicking alcoholic drinks?

Does everyone need a treat daily? I never did do that with booze, not daily… well, not often…. is it soft or indulgent to look for a wee external boost often… which is all in the mind anyway?? Maybe best to just embrace my inner needy person and lay on the treats right left and centre. And yes, all four bars of the fab Spencers chocolate which P got me for Christmas are GONE… but in my defence, I did share.

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