Alcohol-Free Flight: The First

Well, that was a new experience. A long time flying devotee, airports and airplanes have always been places where I enjoyed a drink. Or two… or more. We arrive at the airport early, two teenage travellers and their 50-something parents. Fumble and fuss, fuss and fumble until we are all sorted out and can take … Read more

Alcohol Rebel/Alcohol-Free Rebel

I have been off the booze for a few days and have been haunting some Facebook groups, like ONYB and Sobersistas. Most people there mention which day they are on: ‘Day 35: feeling sad and lonely/’ ‘Day 10: never felt better.’ Day 1… again…” And this has immediately made me want to NOT ever count … Read more

Starting To Change My Alcohol Bad Habits

Another one of the 30 day challenge pieces of homework was to identify triggers for bad habits and look for new ways of dealing with them. Here’s what I wrote. Triggers For Drinking Often I drink when I feel stressed… life feels overwhelming and I need an escape and to numb out… I need to … Read more

The wicked wine witch – and how to avoid her!

Lots of the quit lit I have read, and also many people on Facebook groups, mention ‘The Wine Witch.’ She’s that little voice in your head that suggests things like: She’s the voice of your addiction, of course. That voice is not you… mindfulness is SO helpful with that voice. Becoming the observer and not … Read more

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